Vision Books


About Us

The vision and mission behind the work.

What is Vision Books?

Vision Books is a nonprofit dedicated to the printing and distribution of the Message of the Hour and Bibles across the world. We exist to meet the need of providing these materials to Believers in every language and in every nation on earth. Founded in 2017 by Rev. Barry Coffey, Vision Books now includes dozens of volunteers around the globe, committed to spreading the good news.

Vision Books Logo
Vision Books Logo


Our process begins with the translation of sermons by our faithful translators around the globe. Once translations are complete, orders are placed for books to be printed offshore then shipped to countries for distribution by the local ministry. The local missionaries and pastors are steadfast in spreading the printed materials throughout their nations and to even the most remote villages.


As Executive Director, Rev. Coffey leads Vision Books and has incorporated four brothers representing four churches in the United States and Canada to share the burden of leading this effort as Board members. They along with a growing team of volunteers share the responsibility of translating, printing and distributing books to dozens of countries and nearly 100 languages. Our team is united in its desire to see the Gospel reach every corner of the earth.

Vision Books Logo
Vision Books Logo


Vision Books and its operations are funded entirely by freewill contributions, and 100% of all donations are used in the work of translating, printing, and distributing Bibles and the Message worldwide. To learn more about our work, click here. To donate, please visit our donations page, or reach out to us directly.