Vision Books



The "Vision" for Vision Books

"The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it." - Psalm 68:11

During travels to several countries in 2018 and 2019, I have received many requests from Ministers for printed Message books. New technologies harnessed for spiritual purposes has often accomplished great things. However, while we are grateful for the technical advances that exist today, there still is a genuine need for printed copies of the Message which has always been a reality in every nation, especially where technology (and even electricity) fails to reach the remote areas where Believers live.

Vision Books exists to meet the need of providing the Message to Believers worldwide. Translation has always been an important first step. And once translations are completed and uploaded to the HUB, Believers can have immediate access to sermons through digital channels, such as smart phones or computers or even print small quantities for personal use. When translation is complete, the staff at Vision Books can place orders for books to be printed offshore for distribution to any nation and in any language. Covers are designed by Believers in Norway, and layout is finalized by brethren in Portugal and in the United States. Various Pastors have volunteered to act as distributors of newly printed materials for different regions, and in some instances, for a whole nation.

Printing in bulk quantities substantially reduces the cost per book and provides adequate quantities for distribution. The simple vision has never changed for us, that is to reach a dying world with this end-time Message, to equip Ministers with sermons and put books in the hands of Believers everywhere. Rather than try and impress with numbers, we feel the picture below is worth pages of statistics. Once the books are printed and shipped, they are delivered to a port of entry in a nation to be distributed through the efforts of local churches and Believers. Having the five fold ministry involved helps determine the quantity of books needed, and coordinate distribution effectively and fairly within a country.

Several books have been printed already and many more are in production. We are grateful for the international response to the need of Believers worldwide.

Bro. Barry Coffey