Vision Books



Tanzania Mission Report

March 2nd, 2024

Note From Bro. Elias:

God bless you.

Find attached pictures from the field.

These are three areas:

Pictures 1-8: Katavi - in Rukwa Region

Pictures 9-17: Kitendeni - in West Kilimanjaro (Maasai area)

Pictures 18-21: Southern Highlands.

KATAVI – This area is near Lake Tanganyika.

Brother Caleb Temu visits them and tries to establish them in the Message doctrine.

This is a new church. You can see pictures: KATAVI-5 & 6; this is their church building for now.

It is hard for them to have services during the rainy season like now. They need Tshs. 800,000 ($300) to be able to buy a piece of land so that they can start building a stronger building.

WK- West Kilimanjaro:

This area is inhabited by the Maasai tribe. Brother Malachi Akyoo is working very hard in this area. He is very much interested in the Maasai people. They are very hard people. It is hard to change their culture but still, God is calling from their society.

SH- Southern Highlands:

This is an area that is being covered by Brother Isaac Akyoo.

He covers a vast area in this region.

Please continue to pray for us for this work to achieve what God has in His mind.