Vision Books



Vision Books Report

September 7th, 2022

The Lord continues to provide and meet the needs of His people throughout the world! Here are some of the things that happened on the mission field this week that we were blessed to see. May God richly bless the missionaries who labor so tirelessly to distribute these materials to the Believers in need.

“But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:19

New Books Arriving In Pakistan

New Books Arriving In Pakistan

Books Being Distributed In Pakistan

Books Being Distributed In Pakistan

New Seals Books Being Distributed All Over Zimbabwe

New Seals Books Being Distributed All Over Zimbabwe

New Materials Being Given To Believers In Zambia

New Materials Being Given To Believers In Zambia

Zambia Report:

We had three days meeting at Mulonga Vge, Kanchibiya District from 26-27th August, 2022. The Lord saved some souls and were baptized. The sick were healed and demon possessed were delivered. Many of the believers requested for Bibles and message books. The consignment that we carried got finished on the way. I am looking forward for another distribution trip in the coming weeks. God greatly bless you servant of our Lord.

More Vision Books Updates Coming Soon!