Vision Books



Report From Bro. Precious

April 9th, 2022

Our first trip was very successful, but this one was even more successful. We met and talked to over 40 pastors and we gave out more materials this time around. Pastors are so happy about the arrival of books in Mozambique (printed in Portuguese) and they have tried to express their gratitude in their own words. I will be be sending you some Video clips once I have them processed for you to see their testimonies.

We were able to spend just a little bit of time out to the Indian Ocean in Beira. It was a very long trip as you can you imagine, but the Lord prospered us there and it was very encouraging to see His Mighty hand. There is more to report, It’s going very beautiful and I feel most privileged to be working with you. It’s very encouraging. God bless you.

Local pastor with a congregation of 200 receiving materials

Local pastor with a congregation of 200 receiving materials

Visiting Beira on the Indian Ocean

Visiting Beira on the Indian Ocean

Bro. Precious

Bro. Precious

Brothers worshipping after receiving new materials printed in their language.

More Vision Books Updates coming soon!