Vision Books



Malawi Trip 2023

December 6th, 2023

The third and final day of the road trip started at 5:00am and took the team into Central Malawi. Message books and posters were dropped off to believers in Ntcheu, Lilongwe and the surrounding areas of the central region. We did fewer drop offs, but in one case we provided books and prints to 11 pastors who met us at one location. We were moved by their kind words and sincerity. We arrived back to Blantye at 3:00am and, in total, the trip covered over 600 miles. 

We thank God for His hand of protection and to the Malawi believers for their warm welcome and hospitality during the trip. One thing was abundantly clear, there is an incredible demand for Message books and Bibles in the region and there is much work to be done. With God's leading and your support, we pray that this important work will continue! Be sure to subscribe if you're interested in seeing the full Malawi 2023 documentary and in learning about upcoming Vision Books projects you can get involved in.