Vision Books



Zambia Update

July 22nd, 2023

Bro. Precious has been traveling throughout Zambia delivering materials to the saints. We cannot wait to share with you all of the images and reports from his trip. This is just the first glimpse of the wonderful outreach that took place. To God be the glory!

Note From Bro. Precious:

We left for Zambia on Monday the 19th of June with a shipment of books in the Bemba language and Seven Church and Seven Seals books in English for distribution there. It was very moving to see how hungry these people were as they testified that this has never happened before. They have never seen books in such supply being delivered to them free of charge. 

We cleared through the boarder and drove through Lusaka in the night. We arrived in Kabwe in the Central Province of Zambia where our distribution started. We found over 25 pastors eagerly and tirelessly waiting for books. From there we moved on to other places in the Central Provinces and all the way to the Copper Belt. We were able to distribute books, pictures of Hoffman’s Head of Christ, Brother Branham and the Mysterious Cloud, as well as SD cards. Over 80 pastors had gathered in different places and waited long hours for our truck to arrive, so that they can receive their share.