Vision Books



15,000+ Books Delivered to Pastors in Mozambique

Aug 22, 2024

Earlier this month, Pastor Precious Makatanje and his team from Malawi, Africa loaded 7,500 Church Age Books and 7,800 Seven Seals Books in the Portuguese language aboard the Vision Books truck and traveled many miles to bring the Message to Mozambique, an African country south of Malawi.

But the trip wasn't without its obstacles. The Brothers encountered mechanical issues with the van that delayed them for several days and, in a separate incident, the Brothers were held up by the local police. In the end and by God's grace, the Brothers were able to get to their destinations in Mozambique and deliver Books to the pastors that met them along the way. It has been many years since many of the pastors had received Message Books and they were very grateful to those that have supported this project and made the delivery possible.

Also, a big thanks to Bro Precious and his team for their tireless efforts to bring the Message of the Hour to the believers in Mozambique.

God bless you all for your prayers and support.