Vision Books



Tanzania Update

May 31st, 2022

Mission Report From Bro. Elias:

Brother Barry,

Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are all well and moving on by His grace.

The pictures are clarified as follows:

Images 1-11:

This is Maasai area in western Kilimanjaro. This is a very tough area that Bro. Malachi, Bro. Jeremiah and Bro. Elisante are working there. We have the believers there, mostly Maasai. We applied for land from the local government so that we can build a church. We visit people in their houses and talk about the Word of God and sometimes we gather them around their houses, known as BOMAS.

Images 12-21:

This is in Morogoro, where Bro. Isaac is covering a very vast area. He is using a motorcycle in order to make transportation easier. Bro. Isaac crosses the river and he has to use a canoe. These are tough areas, but Bro. Isaac is so aggressive. Please pray for our missionaries.

Image 22: This is Songea, in southern Tanzania.

Thank you and God bless you so much.

Ministering to the Maasai converts in western Kilimanjaro.

Ministering to the Maasai converts in western Kilimanjaro.

Bro. Isaac traveling by motorbike in Morogoro.

Bro. Isaac traveling by motorbike in Morogoro.

Baptisms in Morogoro.

Baptisms in Morogoro.

Baptism in Songea, a region in southern Tanzania.

Baptism in Songea, a region in southern Tanzania.

We are so thankful for all the efforts from the missionaries around the world! May God richly bless these faithful Brethren.